Terms & Conditions - Booking Policy

Table of Contents

Terms and Conditions for Wander Expeditions FZCO

1. Introduction

These Terms and Conditions ("Terms") govern the contractual relationship between Wander Expeditions FZCO ("WE"), a travel agency, and its customers. By booking an Expedition, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

2. Booking Process and Payment

2.1. Availability and Confirmation

All bookings are subject to availability and expedition confirmation by WE. A booking is confirmed only upon issuance of a confirmation email by WE.

2.2. Booking Requirements

To secure a reservation, customers must fulfill the following:

  • Deposit Payment: A deposit of €1,000 to €1,500 is required depending on the Expedition. This deposit must be paid within 2-3 working days from receiving the booking email. Deposits are generally non-refundable.
  • Liability Waiver: Customers must sign a liability waiver.
  • Documentation: Customers must provide a valid passport copy and any additional information required for visa applications, where managed by WE.
2.3. Payment Methods

Payments can be made via credit card or bank transfer, as specified during the booking process.

2.4. Remaining Balance and Deadlines

The remaining balance must be paid no later than 90 days before the Expedition's start date, unless otherwise specified. Failure to meet payment deadlines may result in cancellation without refund.

2.5. Flight Bookings

Customers are advised not to purchase flights until receiving the Expedition brief with specific flight instructions.

3. Customer Responsibilities

3.1. Travel Documentation

Customers are responsible for ensuring all travel documents are current and valid, including passports and visas.

3.2. Visa Requirements

You are responsible for ensuring you have a valid visa for your destination, and while we provide support and advice, visa regulations may vary and change frequently. Our guidance is informative, but you should stay updated with your government's advice and the local Embassy. Wander Expeditions is not directly responsible for your visa, and we cannot offer any guarantees or refunds if you are unable to obtain it. For certain Expeditions, we will help arrange visas, but if you're unable to obtain one, no guarantees or refunds can be provided. Additionally, providing false information on your visa application can lead to your removal from the Expedition or any future Expeditions without refund.

3.3. Punctuality and Trip Commencement

Customers are responsible for arriving at the specified starting location of the Expedition on time. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure all travel arrangements, including transportation and accommodation, are scheduled to allow for on-time arrival at the start of the Expedition.

3.3.1. Late Arrivals:

If a customer fails to arrive at the designated start location of the Expedition on time, WE shall not be liable for any missed activities, portions of the trip, or additional costs incurred by the customer for joining the Expedition at a later stage. No refunds will be provided for missed activities or services due to late arrival.

3.3.2. Coordination with Group:

The Expedition will proceed as scheduled, and the customer is responsible for making arrangements to join the group at their own expense should they miss the initial departure.

3.4. Impact of Delayed Transportation

Customers are responsible for arranging their transportation to ensure timely arrival at the Expedition's designated starting point.

3.4.1. Flight Delays:

In the event of flight delays or cancellations that result in a customer missing the start of the Expedition, WE shall not be liable for any missed parts of the trip, nor will WE be responsible for covering any additional costs incurred due to such delays.

3.4.2. No Refunds for Missed Portions:

No refunds or partial reimbursements will be provided for any missed activities, services, or accommodations resulting from transportation delays.

3.5. Health and Medical Guidelines
3.5.1. Medical Fitness:

Customers are responsible for ensuring they are medically and physically fit to participate in the Expedition's activities. They must disclose any pre-existing medical conditions to WE prior to departure.

3.5.2. Medical Emergencies:

WE is not responsible for any medical emergencies that occur during the Expedition. Customers are advised to carry adequate medical insurance covering medical treatment and emergency evacuation.

3.6. Behavior and Conduct
3.6.1. Code of Conduct:

Customers are expected to behave respectfully and follow the instructions of WE representatives and local guides. Unacceptable behavior may result in removal from the Expedition without refund.

3.6.2. Legal Compliance:

Participants must comply with local laws and customs during the Expedition. WE is not liable for any legal issues encountered by customers.

3.7. Prohibited Substances and Alcohol Policy
3.7.1. Drug Consumption:

The consumption, possession, or trafficking of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited during the Expedition. Any violation of this rule will result in immediate removal from the Expedition without a refund.

3.7.2. Alcohol Consumption:

Consumption of alcohol is not permitted in WE expedition vehicles. Any customer found consuming alcohol in these vehicles may be subject to disciplinary actions, including potential removal from the Expedition without a refund.

4. Cancellations and Refunds

4.1. Non-Refundable Payments

Deposits and payments are non-refundable due to logistical constraints. WE can't be responsible for unforeseen events or situations in the customer's personal circumstances that may affect their ability to participate in the Expedition.

4.2. Cancellation Process

Cancellations must be formally communicated to WE via email.

4.3. Replacement and Credit

If a replacement participant is found (once it's full), the payments may be credited towards another Expedition within the same calendar year. Absent a replacement, payments cannot be refunded or reallocated.

4.4. Cancellation Less Than 90 Days Before Departure

No refunds or credits are provided for cancellations made within 90 days of the start date.

4.5. Travel Insurance

Customers are strongly encouraged to purchase comprehensive travel insurance to cover possible changes in personal circumstances impacting travel participation. WE can't be responsible for unforeseen events or situations that may affect their ability to participate in the Expedition.

5. Expedition Cancellations by WE

5.1. Force Majeure

In the event a force majeure prevents the Expedition's execution, it will be rescheduled. Decisions will be made in consultation with local partners, and will not rely solely on international advisories. Due to the nature of the destinations WE works with, these usually have "no travel recommendations" to begin with, so it needs to be a significant change in the status quo and an impossibility to carry out the Expedition as it was intended.

5.2. Options for Customers

If customers cannot attend on rescheduled dates, funds paid may be applied to a different Expedition.

5.3. WE's Right to Cancel

WE reserves the right to cancel any booking; in such cases, a full refund will be provided minus any non-recoverable costs.

5.4. Refund Deductions

Refunds will deduct applicable costs such as credit card fees and currency exchange charges.

5.5. Itinerary Changes

WE reserves the right to alter the itinerary, accommodations, and other planned activities due to logistical considerations, safety concerns, or events constituting force majeure.

5.5.1. Logistical and Safety Adjustments:

Modifications to the itinerary might be necessary to accommodate unforeseen logistical issues or to ensure the safety and security of participants. WE will endeavor to provide suitable alternatives when possible.

5.5.2. Force Majeure Events:

Events beyond WE's control, including but not limited to natural disasters, political instability, or any other extraordinary occurrences, may necessitate changes to the planned itinerary.

5.5.3. No Liability for Changes:

WE is not liable for any changes or alterations to the itinerary necessitated by logistics, safety considerations, or force majeure. No refunds or partial reimbursements will be provided for itinerary changes.

5.6. Impact of Itinerary Delays

WE endeavors to adhere to the scheduled itinerary; however, delays may occasionally occur due to unforeseen circumstances.

5.6.1. No Liability for Missed Connections:

WE shall not be liable for any missed flight connections or additional costs incurred by the customer as a result of delays in the itinerary, including those affecting tight onward travel plans.

5.6.2. Customer Responsibility:

Customers are advised to arrange onward travel with sufficient buffer time after the conclusion of the Expedition to accommodate any potential itinerary delays.

5.6.3. Assistance Provided:

While WE will provide reasonable assistance in terms of support and information in the case of itinerary delays, any costs arising from missed connections will be the responsibility of the customer.

6. Liability and Risk Disclaimer

Participants acknowledge the risks of adventurous travel. WE disclaims liability for any injury, damage, or loss except where liability cannot be excluded by law.

7. Data Protection

WE adheres to data protection regulations. Personal data will be used solely for travel arrangement purposes and not disclosed to unauthorized third parties.

8. General Provisions

8.1. Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of the United Arab Emirates and subject to the jurisdiction of its courts.

8.2. Amendments

WE reserves the right to amend these Terms; customers will be notified of significant changes through official communication channels.

8.3. Severability

If any provision is invalid or unenforceable, the remaining terms shall continue to be effective.

For further questions or information, please contact WE at [email protected].